Digital Signature Certificate
A digital signature, also known as a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate), is an electronic form of signature used in India. It serves as a secure way to authenticate digital documents and transactions.
There are different types of DSCs available in India.
Class 1 DSC is used for basic verification purposes, such as email communication and accessing government portals.
Class 2 DSC is more advanced and is commonly used for online filing of income tax returns, company registrations, and other legal documents.
Class 3 DSC, the highest level of certification, is primarily used for e-tendering and participating in online auctions. Each class of DSC serves a specific purpose and helps ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital transactions in India.
Apply for DSC Online
(Digital Signature Certificate)
Certifying Authorities for DSC in INDIA
There are a number of Certifying Authorities (CA) who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000. Below is the list of certifying authorities where one can procure Class 2 or 3 certificates.